MapMate version 2.4.0 single .exe installer download: For new user install, re-install on a new computer or for disaster recovery.

Important: Right-click link below and choose to "Save", "Save link as" or "Save target as" (save to your Desktop or an easy to find location).
Once downloaded, right-click the downloaded file and then choose 'Run as Administrator'.
Note: The installer is digitally signed with our Security Certificate and safe.
If you receive a message "Microsoft Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognised app from starting" click 'More Info' and 'Run Anyway'.

This installer was refreshed on 24th May 2024 to include all patches to 547 inclusive. This is a full install and is a little over 200 MB and includes the new Replicator Version 2.4.3.
Note this is for Windows PC only. We don't have a MacOS version but MapMate will run on Mac if you have Windows installed.


Important: Microsoft OneDrive is known to cause issues with MapMate databases and proper functionality.
If you wish to use OneDrive then you should logout of OneDrive before installing to ensure MapMate installs to the traditional folder C:\users\{username}\Documents\.

Notes on this release:
The 240e version of MapMate contains Replicator 2.4.3 which addresses FTP issues.
It will not overwrite any of your data (Records, References and Sites databases) but will replace the User database.
If you have custom queries (which live in the User.mdb database) and you run this over an existing installation you will need to add these back manually.
After installing over an existing installation your should always do a View > 'My Configuration' and setup your interests again.
For safety we recommend you backup your entire 'My MapMate/Data/' folder from your Documents before overwriting an existing installation.

Essential Reading for New Users is the Quick Start Guide.
New users will need their CUK (Centre Unique Key) and Serial Number when the program is first run after install.
There is much useful information to be found on the BSBI MapMate pages, including a new "MapMate Book".

Very Important Notes on Installing:
After installing and before running for the first time (all Windows versions after but not including XP):

Run MapMate for the first time from the Windows Start button.
You should get a message from 'Windows User Account Control" asking if it is OK for MapMate to make changes to your computer.
If you do not see this message then we recommend you do the following:

If you are re-installing and/or the configuration wizard doesn't start automatically then do the following:
New users should familiarise themselves with this procedure as it is central to recording:

Tip: If you are having problems 'seeing' your data after re-installing do the above to re-optimize.

Known Issues:

1. Most common problems are fixed with the procedures above under "Very Important Notes on Installing"

2. Map Cursor errors or problems with Trace from maps

Many new computer displays and screens have more pixels than you can 'see' and so are 'scaled' back.
With some screen drivers this scaling can cause positional errors to be reported on maps. If you experience this right-click
your Desktop and choose to view the display settings or properties. Make sure this is set to 100% scale factor and then adjust your
pixel Width and Height for a sensible and comfortable display.

3. Clicking on Analysis or Replication in the toolbar is unresponsive:

This is fixed with 1 above

4. Can't navigate the Analysis Query List:

This is a problem with Windows 'Touch Screen' or screen drivers on some computers and can be fixed as follows:

Firstly, ensure all of 1 above are done.

Click Windows Start button and with the menu up on screen type:
Open the 'Device Manager'
Open the 'Human Interface Devices'
Look for 'HID-compliant touch screen' and right-click and Disable that
If you don't see this entry then try to disable any HID-compliant devices in turn to find the culprit
Restart your computer

Notes on Moving your Data back from backup after disaster recovery:

[We recommend you backup by saving a copy of your entire 'My MapMate/Data/' folder from your Documents]

Once you have installed and are happy that MapMate works OK, you can move your data as follows.

Only three files are required to reconstruct all of your records. These are:

Records.mdb, Sites.mdb and Reference.mdb

These are all in their respectively same named folders. For example, Records.mdb will be found in:

Either c:/Program Files/MapMate/Records/, or in your Documents/My MapMate/Data/Records/

The new version always uses 'My MapMate' in your documents. Your prior version may use either, depending on its version.

To move your data simply replace the three files above as installed with the copies from your old system.

Note also that you can move all maps by doing a similar exercise with the following three files:

Atlas.mdb, Map.mdb and MapList.mdb

These are all in the Maps/ folder.

These three files completely describe all of your maps and atlases.

If possible copying over your entire My MapMate/Data/ to replace that newly installed is recommended.
This will transfer the patched state of your MapMate, together with any custom queries you may have.  

Notes on 64-bit Windows:

The Installer will work on 64-bit systems.  In this case all program files will be installed to "Program Files (x86)".

This is typical for running any 32-bit program (which MapMate is) on a 64-bit Windows system.

We suggest you leave all automatically selected option as set when installing.
Your data files should always go in: your Documents/My MapMate/Data/.